
Python Training IN Bangalore

Are you interested in learning Python? Do you want to enhance your programming skills and embark on a rewarding career in software development? Look no further! In this comprehensive course, we will dive deep into the world of Python training, covering everything you need to know to get started and become proficient in this versatile programming language. Here you will learn and understand how python is used in Web Development, Scientific and Analytics, Software Development, System Administration. This Python certification course will give you hands-on development experience and prepare you for an exciting career as a professional Python programmer.

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New Tech Trainer provides flexible batch timings to all our students.If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know.

10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Quotes
10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Quotes
10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Quotes

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Python training overview

Python is a high-level, versatile programming language renowned for its simplicity and readability. It was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s and has since gained immense popularity among developers worldwide. Python’s elegant syntax and extensive library support make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

Key Features and Benefits PYTHON Training Course in Bangalore

  • Freshers who want to start their career in Python programming
  • Software Engineers who work in backend application scripting
  • Big Data Professionals
  • Web Developers
  • Research Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • System and infra-administrators who look for automation.
  • Those who are interested in building their career in Python

Python's clean and concise syntax makes it easy to read and write, enhancing code readability. This simplicity reduces the time and effort required for development, debugging, and maintenance.

Python boasts a large and active community of developers who contribute to its growth. This vibrant community provides extensive support through forums, tutorials, libraries, and frameworks, making it easier to find solutions to coding challenges.

Python is a cross-platform language, meaning it runs seamlessly on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This versatility allows developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms without significant modifications.

Python offers a vast collection of libraries and modules that cater to different application needs. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow provide powerful functionalities for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning, reducing development time and effort.

Python's simplicity and extensive library ecosystem facilitate rapid prototyping and development. With ready-to-use modules, developers can focus on solving specific problems rather than reinventing the wheel, resulting in faster time-to-market for projects.

Python seamlessly integrates with other programming languages and systems, making it an excellent choice for building complex applications. It can be easily integrated with C, C++, Java, and .NET, enabling developers to leverage existing codebases and libraries.

Python's scalability is a crucial advantage for businesses handling large-scale projects. With its robust performance and the ability to handle heavy workloads, Python powers high-traffic websites, enterprise applications, and data-intensive tasks with efficiency.

Python finds applications in a wide range of domains, including web development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation, scientific research, and more. Its versatility enables developers to work on diverse projects and explore various career opportunities.

Beginner-Friendly Approach
If you are new to programming or Python, look for a training program that offers comprehensive beginner-friendly resources. These resources should cover the basics of programming concepts and gradually introduce Python-specific topics.

Hands-on Learning
Practical exercises and projects are crucial for reinforcing your understanding of Python. Look for a training program that provides ample opportunities for hands-on learning and coding practice.

Expert Guidance
Learning from experienced instructors and mentors can significantly accelerate your learning journey. Look for training programs that offer expert guidance and support to answer your questions and provide valuable insights.

Real-World Applications
Python training programs that emphasize real-world applications enable you to apply your newly acquired knowledge to practical projects. This approach enhances your problem-solving skills and prepares you for real-world programming challenges.

Skills Covered

  • Introduction to python
  • Overview on Planning and architecting the development/automation process.
  • Git/GitHub for source code management.
  • Python Basics
  • Python Program Flow
  • Functions& Modules
  • Exceptions Handling & File handling
  • Classes in Python +More ….

Python FAQ’s

Python is a high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It is widely used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation.

Yes, Python is considered one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages. Its clean syntax and extensive documentation make it accessible to individuals with no prior programming experience.

Python offers several advantages, including its ease of use, versatility, extensive library ecosystem, cross-platform compatibility, and a large community of developers for support and collaboration.

Absolutely! Python provides frameworks like Django and Flask, which simplify web development tasks and allow developers to build robust and scalable web applications.

Yes, Python has become a popular language for data analysis and scientific computing. Libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy provide powerful tools for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization.

Yes, Python has gained significant popularity in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn offer comprehensive frameworks for building and training models.

Python finds applications in various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, education, research, and more. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of projects and domains.

Yes, Python has a vibrant and supportive community. Online forums, discussion boards, and developer communities provide assistance, share knowledge, and contribute to the growth of Python's ecosystem.

Yes, Python can be easily integrated with other languages like C, C++, and Java. This allows developers to leverage existing codebases and libraries, enhancing the functionality of their projects.

Python developers have excellent career prospects. The demand for Python skills is high in various fields, including web development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and automation.

Python developers have excellent career prospects. The demand for Python skills is high in various fields, including web development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and automation.

Yes, Python can be used for game development. Libraries like Pygame provide a framework for creating games, both 2D and simple 3D, making Python a viable choice for game developers.

Absolutely! Python's simplicity and ease of use make it an ideal language for scripting and automation tasks. It allows developers to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows.

Yes, there is a growing demand for Python developers in the job market. Many companies actively seek professionals proficient in Python for various roles, ranging from software development to data analysis.

There are numerous resources available for learning Python, including online tutorials, interactive coding platforms, books, video courses, and documentation. Choose the format that suits your learning style.

Yes, Python can be used for developing desktop applications. Frameworks like PyQt and Tkinter enable developers to create cross-platform GUI applications with Python.

Python Training Key Features


Python Syllabus

Download Syllabus

  • What can Python do?
  • Why Python?
  • Good to know
  • Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
  • Python Install

  • The print statements
  • Comments
  • Python Data Structures & Data Types
  • String Operations in Python
  • Simple Input & Output
  • Simple Output Formatting
  • Operators in python

  • Indentation
  • The If statement and its' related statement
  • An example with if and its related statement
  • The while loops
  • The for loop
  • The range statements
  • Break &Continue
  • Assert
  • Examples for looping

  • Create your own functions
  • Functions Parameters
  • Variable Arguments
  • Scope of a Function
  • Function Documentations
  • Lambda Functions& map
  • n Exercise with functions
  • Create a Module
  • Standard Modules

  • Errors
  • Exception handling with try
  • handling Multiple Exceptions
  • Writing your own Exception

  • File handling Modes
  • Reading Files
  • Writing& Appending to Files
  • Handling File Exceptions
  • The with statement

  • New Style Classes
  • Creating Classes
  • Instance Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions

  • Iterators
  • Generators
  • The Functions any and all
  • With Statement
  • Data Compression

  • List Comprehensions
  • Nested List Comprehensions
  • Dictionary Comprehensions
  • Functions
  • Default Parameters
  • Variable Arguments
  • Specialized Sorts
  • Collections (Duration-2hrs)
  • namedtuple()
  • deque
  • ChainMap
  • Counter
  • OrderedDict
  • defaultdict
  • UserDict
  • UserList
  • UserString

  • Introduction
  • What is Tk (Tkinter ) in Python?
  • Components and Events
  • An Example GUI
  • The root Component
  • Adding a Button
  • Entry Widgets
  • Text Widgets
  • Check buttons

  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • DB Connection
  • Creating DB Table
  • COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
  • handling Errors

  • Introduction
  • A Daytime Server
  • Clients and Servers
  • The Client Program
  • The Server Program

  • sleep
  • Program execution time
  • more methods on date/time

  • Filter
  • Map
  • Reduce
  • Decorators
  • Frozen set
  • Collections

  • Split
  • Working with special characters, date, emails
  • Quantifiers
  • Match and find all
  • character sequence and substitute
  • Search method

  • Class and threads
  • Multi-threading
  • Synchronization
  • Treads Life cycle
  • use cases

  • Introduction
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Openweather

What we learn with python training in Bangalore

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that offers an excellent balance between simplicity and functionality. It provides a smooth learning curve for beginners and enables experienced developers to build complex applications efficiently. Whether you are starting your programming journey or looking to expand your skills, Python is a valuable language to learn. One of the key features of Python is its versatility. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming styles. This flexibility allows developers to choose the approach that best suits their needs and coding preferences.

Before diving into Python programming, it's essential to understand its syntax and structure. Python uses indentation and whitespace to define code blocks, making it readable and intuitive.

In Python, you can work with various data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and more. Understanding these data types and how to manipulate them is crucial for effective Python programming. Let's take a brief look at some commonly used data types:

Python supports both integers and floating-point numbers. You can perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using these numeric data types.

Strings represent textual data and are enclosed in either single quotes ('') or double quotes (""). Python provides a wide range of string manipulation functions and methods to work with text data effectively.

Lists are ordered collections of items that can be of different data types. You can add, remove, and modify elements in a list. Python provides numerous built-in functions and methods for list manipulation.

Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be changed after creation. Tuples are useful when you need to store a collection of values that should remain constant.

Dictionaries are key-value pairs that allow you to store and retrieve data based on a unique key. They are widely used for mapping relationships between different entities.

Control flow statements and loops enable you to control the execution flow of your Python programs. They allow you to make decisions, iterate over data, and execute code blocks conditionally. Let's explore some essential control flow and loop constructs:

If-Else Statements
The if-else statement allows you to execute different blocks of code based on specified conditions.

For Loops
The for loop is used to iterate over a sequence of elements, such as a list, tuple, or string. It executes a code block for each item in the sequence.

While Loops
The while loop repeatedly executes a code block as long as a specified condition is True. It is useful when you need to repeat an operation until a certain condition is met.

Functions and modules play a vital role in structuring and organizing your Python code. Functions allow you to encapsulate reusable blocks of code, while modules enable you to organize related functions and variables into separate files. Let's explore these concepts further:

A function is a named block of code that performs a specific task. It takes input arguments (if any) and can return a value. Functions help in code reuse, modularity, and better code organization.

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. It allows you to organize related functions, classes, and variables into separate files. You can import modules into your code and access their contents. Python provides a rich standard library, and you can also create your own custom modules to encapsulate functionality.

Exception handling is crucial for robust and error-free Python programming. It allows you to catch and handle errors that may occur during program execution. By handling exceptions gracefully, you can prevent program crashes and provide informative error messages. Python provides a comprehensive exception handling mechanism.

Python provides robust functionality for working with files and directories. Whether you need to read data from a file, write to a file, or manipulate directories, Python offers convenient and efficient methods. Here are some common file and directory operations:

Reading and Writing Files
You can use Python's built-in functions to read and write data to files. The open() function is used to open a file, and various methods such as read(), write(), and close() allow you to interact with the file.

Manipulating Directories
Python's os module provides functions for creating, renaming, and deleting directories. You can also navigate through directories, list their contents, and perform other directory-related operations.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects, which are instances of classes. Python fully supports object-oriented programming and provides a robust framework for creating and using classes and objects.

In OOP, the focus is on organizing code into objects that encapsulate data and behaviour. Each object is an instance of a class, which serves as a blueprint defining the structure and behaviour of the objects. Classes define attributes (data) and methods (functions) that can operate on that data.

key principles of OOP in Python:

Classes: A class is a template or blueprint for creating objects. It defines the properties (attributes) and behaviours (methods) that objects of that class will have. In Python, a class is defined using the class keyword.

Objects: Objects are instances of classes. They are created using the class as a constructor. Each object has its own set of attributes and can invoke the methods defined in the class.

Attributes: Attributes are the data associated with an object. They represent the state of an object. In Python, attributes are accessed using dot notation (object. Attribute).

Methods: Methods are functions defined within a class that operate on the object's data. They define the behaviour of the object. Methods have access to the object's attributes and can modify them. The self-parameter refers to the instance of the class.

Inheritance: Inheritance allows you to create a new class (derived class) based on an existing class (base class). The derived class inherits the attributes and methods of the base class and can extend or modify their behaviour.

Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class. It enables the use of a single interface to represent multiple types.

Object-oriented programming provides several benefits, such as code reusability, modularity, and easier maintenance. It allows for the creation of complex systems with well-organized and understandable code.

Hiring Companies



Here we will provide certification from our organization which is valid for 2 year where you can show with any IT organizations.

To enable your certification

  • Attend and complete Ansible Training
  • Complete a hands-on project with mock test where pass mark is 70%.

Experience in working with python programming or training completion is recommended.

You can register for python global certification from authorised centres like Python Institute (PCEP) , we will guide students about registration and exam process.

  • PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
  • PCAP™ – Certified Associate in Python Programming
  • PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming

Trainer Profile

  • More than 8+ Years of Experience.
  • Trained more than 3000+ students in past years.
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in the subject.
  • Always we hire Certified Professionals trainers.
  • Trainers are well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
  • Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have worked with multiple real-time projects in corporate Industries.
  • All Our Trainers are working with multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, IBM, HP, Microland, Infosys Technologies etc…
  • Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers.


New Tech Trainer is the best online training course provider India with 10+ years of Experienced professionals as Trainers. We will provide

  • Fully hands-on training with live projects
  • Professionals as trainers and helping on Interview preparation
  • Completed 500+ batches in short period
  • job-oriented training & Certification guidance
  • we provide best offers on all the courses.

  • Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in relevant technologies.
  • We choose our trainers who working on real-world industry project and who working in multinational companies. Our trainers are certified professionals in subject.
  • Trainer Trained more than 2000+ students and having Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.

  • 40+ hours course training duration
  • We are very flexible and we will arrange training's based on your timing and trainer availability

We will support on high quality resume preparation which helps you to showcase in your interview.

Our trainers will take each topic with interview scenario question which help to understand the subject and prepare you for interview process.

We will share the zoom sections where you can connect to attend the training.

Post completing the training with us, you will be having batter understanding about infra services and how to deploy/manage the infra services. By this knowledge you can clear your interview easily.