Selenium Training


Selenium supports different Operating Systems and Programming Languages which makes it the most desired Automation Testing tool. Learn Selenium Automation through real-life projects and dedicated mentoring sessions.

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Upcoming Batch Schedule for Selenium Training in Bangalore

New Tech Trainer provides flexible batch timings to all our students. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know.

10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get quotes
10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Quotes
10-06-2021 Thu (Mon – Fri)WEEKDAYS BATCH @08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Quotes

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@24,999 and master your skills.


Selenium is a tool for Automation Testing, as part of the Selenium training; you will learn Selenium components like Selenium IDE, RC, and WebDriver etc.

Selenium Foundation certification is based on a practical training aimed at test professionals who desire an understanding of how to design, implement and maintain automated solutions using Selenium WebDriver.

It is 60 hours of Study, if you take regular classes it will take 45 days or if you go with Weekend classes it will take 4 to 5 weekends.

Yes, Selenium is easy! If you have knowledge over any object-oriented language like Java, Python with some basic concepts.

Yes, but Core Java basics can be sufficient to write a Selenium Automation.

Yes, we offer both classroom & online training.

About the Program

New Tech Trainer Selenium training course will help you to gain an in-depth knowledge on every concept such as WebDriver, Core java, Selenium Grid, XPath, DOM, TestNG, POM, GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, AutoIt, Sikuli, JDBC, SQL, Data Driven Testing and Katalon Studio. Our Selenium training with real-time examples will prepare you to utilize Selenium WebDriver effectively.

Selenium is a very stable & an open source Library used for Automation of web application testing. In the Current Software Testing, Selenium Automation Test professionals are in much demand with huge number of job openings, so learn Selenium Testing course from the industry experts at New Tech Trainer and grab the opportunities in the software testing.

Aspirants who are interested can attend our Selenium Online Training or Classroom training.

Selenium Training Program Key Features


Selenium Training Program Syllabus

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Automation Testing

  • What is automation testing
  • When to go for Automation
  • Different Automation Tools (vendor & open source tools)
  • Advantages of Automation
  • Criteria for Automation
  • Difference between Manual Testing & Automation Testing Process

Introduction to Selenium

  • What is selenium Tool
  • Use of selenium tool in automation
  • Features of Selenium tool
  • Differences between Selenium and other Tools

Selenium Components

  • Selenium IDE / Katalon IDE
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium Grid

Configuration of Katalon IDE & Dev. Scripts

  • Recording the scripts in IDE
  • Running the scripts
  • Saving the scripts and using again
  • Understanding of the objects identiJication (id, name)
  • Difference between Test case and test suit
  • Languages supported while recording
  • Synchronization in Katalon IDE (wait commands)
  • Testing Vs Katalon IDE
  • When to use Katalon IDE
  • Learning commands in IDE
  • How to put validations (assert, verify)
  • How to read text / values from webpage (store commands)
  • How to handle mouse, keyboard events
  • Limitations of IDE

Configuring Eclipse IDE for Java & Selenium

  • How to Create new java project
  • How to create a new java class
  • Running java class
  • Viewing the results of java program

Learning Java

  • Introduction to Java programming
  • Data Types in Java
  • Primitive Data types
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Declaring Variables
  • Writing java program and running

Conditional Statements

  • If condition
  • If else condition
  • If else if condition (nested if)
  • Switch case statement
  • Examples for all the above conditions

Conditional Statements

  • While loop
  • Do while
  • For loop
  • For each loop
  • Examples for all the above loops


  • How to declare array
  • How to store values in array
  • Reading values in array

Exception, error handling

  • What are exceptions, errors
  • How to handle exceptions in the program
  • Using try and catch blocks
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Using of throws
  • Throw
  • Throwable

Object Oriented Programming Class

  • What is class
  • What are Jields and methods
  • How to create object for the class
  • How to access Jields and methods in the class
  • Constructors
  • What is abstract, Jinal class
  • Variable Types (instance, local, static)


  • What is polymorphism
  • Method overloading
  • Constructor overloading
  • Passing arguments to methods
  • Calling methods in the class
  • Return values from method
  • Return objects from method
  • Method arguments callbyvalue, call by reference


  • Why to do Inheritance
  • How to reuse the Jields and methods of parent class
  • Overriding Jields and methods of parent class
  • Single Inheritance
  • Multi level Inheritance
  • Using super keyword
  • Composition / Aggregation
  • Difference between Inheritance and Composition


  • What is Interface
  • Difference between class and interface
  • When to use Interfaces
  • Abstract class

Encapsulation and abstraction

  • What is hiding data
  • Using access speciJiers public, private, protected, default
  • Accessing the public methods outside the class
  • Difference in accessing in same package / different package


  • What is package
  • How to create a package
  • How to import package into a different class


  • Use of collections
  • Advantage of collection using Array
  • How to add, remove, and insert value / elements into collections
  • Using the collections like List, Set, ArrayList, HashTable
  • Linked List


  • Dynamic binding
  • Upcasing, downcasting
  • Autoboxing, unboxing

DBC Connections

  • Working with Different Databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL..etc

Web Driver

  • Introduction to Web Driver
  • ConJigure Eclipse IDE (Adding selenium Libraries)
  • Using FirefoxDriver API
  • Working with Different Elements and programming
    • Edit boxes
    • Checkbox, Radio Buttons
    • Buttons
    • Links
    • Selecting values from a Dropdown
  • Understanding xpath to locate elements in webpage
  • Working with Table Elements
  • Reading data from Table
  • Using Actions class
  • Handing keyboard, mouse events

Data Driven Testing

  • What is Data Driven Testing
  • How to parameterize the data to the script using Excel
  • Reading, writing data into Excel
  • How to parameterize data to the script using Flat Jiles

Debug Scripts in Eclipse

  • Understanding Debug
  • Using Breakpoints
  • Verify the values during debug
  • Using step over, step into

Handling Windows

  • How to handle multiple browser
  • Handling alerts
  • Handling windows alerts using (Auto it / sikuli)
  • Handling Frames

Recognizing elements in webpage

  • Using xpath, DOM, CSS
  • Running java scripts in WebDriver
  • Recognizing duplicate elements
  • Recognizing dynamically changing elements
  • Using Regular expressions

Configuring other Browsers

  • Configure IE browser
  • Configure Chrome browser
  • Running scripts on different browsers

TestNG Framework

  • What is TestNG
  • Create TestNG.xml Jile
  • Integrate the Selenium Scripts
  • and Run from TestNG
  • Reporting Results & Analyze
  • Run Scripts from MultipleBrowsers
  • TestNG Annotations
  • Tags in TestNG xml Jile
  • Groups
  • Reporting Results

Selenium Grid

  • Introduction
  • RemoteWebDriver
  • ConJiguring hub
  • ConJiguring node
  • Running scripts on remote computer

Automation Life Cycle

  • What is a Framework
  • Types of Frameworks
  • Modular framework
  • Data Driven framework
  • Keyword driven framework
  • Hybrid framework
  • Use of Framework
  • How to develop framework
  • Integration of the framework
  • How to execute the scripts from framework

Page Object Model Framework

  • Creating Repository class
  • Using properties Jile
  • Generating Log Jiles (log4j)


  • Creating Maven project
  • Creating build Jile
  • Running the build

WebServices Testing

  • What is webservice
  • Webservice architecture
  • What testing we have to do in webservice
  • Introduction to RestAssured
  • Testing WebServices using RestAssured

Appium ( Mobile Apps Automation)

  • ConJigure Android Device
  • Running scripts on Android Device


  • Understand Cucumber Framework
  • Writing Feature Files
  • Integration of Scripts & Feature Files
  • Generating Reports
  • Learn Gherkin Lang.

Code Management Tool

  • Understand usage of Code management Tools
  • How to manage code in common location
  • Understand Version Control
  • Check in / checkout mechanism
  • Checking the Histories.

Hiring Companies



Azure certifications are globally recognized credentials that validate your expertise and proficiency in using Azure services. They can open doors to new job opportunities and promotions within your current organization. Azure skills are in high demand, and having a certification can give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Azure certifications require you to study and gain in-depth knowledge of Azure services, solutions, and best practices. By obtaining an Azure certification, you can validate your skills and expertise in specific Azure job roles, such as administrator, developer, architect, or data engineer. This validation can boost your confidence and provide you with a recognized credential to showcase your capabilities.

Azure certifications are often associated with higher salaries and earning potential. According to various industry reports, professionals with Azure certifications tend to earn higher salaries compared to their non-certified counterparts.


Trainer Profile

  • More than 8+ Years of Experience.
  • Trained more than 3000+ students in past years.
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in the subject.
  • Always we hire Certified Professionals trainers.
  • Trainers are well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
  • Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have worked with multiple real-time projects in corporate Industries.
  • All Our Trainers are working with multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, IBM, HP, Microland, Infosys Technologies etc…
  • Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers.


New Tech Trainer is the best online training course provider India with 10+ years of Experienced professionals as Trainers. We will provide

  • Fully hands-on training with live projects
  • Professionals as trainers and helping on Interview preparation
  • Completed 500+ batches in short period
  • job-oriented training & Certification guidance
  • we provide best offers on all the courses.

  • Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in relevant technologies.
  • We choose our trainers who working on real-world industry project and who working in multinational companies. Our trainers are certified professionals in subject.
  • Trainer Trained more than 2000+ students and having Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.

  • 40+ hours course training duration
  • We are very flexible and we will arrange training's based on your timing and trainer availability

We will support on high quality resume preparation which helps you to showcase in your interview.

Our trainers will take each topic with interview scenario question which help to understand the subject and prepare you for interview process.

We will share the zoom sections where you can connect to attend the training.

Post completing the training with us, you will be having batter understanding about infra services and how to deploy/manage the infra services. By this knowledge you can clear your interview easily.